sabato 5 febbraio 2011



Insurance dialogue is part of Fondiaria-SAI who calls himself "machine". Come le altre assicurazioni “dirette” non si avvale di una serie di agenzie e di operatori dislocati sul territorio nazionale, ma ha un'unica sede ed emette polizze contattando direttamente i clienti finali. Like other insurance, "direct" does not make use of a range of agencies and professionals throughout the country, but has one location and issue policies directly with end customers. Il suo punto di forza, come appare nella loro stessa pubblicità, è il basso costo delle polizze RCA soprattutto per le donne. His strong point, as it appears in their own advertising, is the low cost of RCA policies especially for women. Il loro primo spot è “Donna al volante, premio calante”. Their first spot is "Women at the wheel, premium waning."
From the website (, the site has been completely renovated a few days) you can get quotes of the only RC car from a link that will open the site of the Fondiaria-SAI. E 'can only save the estimate obtained, but the contract is necessary to refine call via the toll-free number, the Call Center.
And 'natural, as all companies and particularly those online and telephone privileges some profiles being less "risky".  Even with dialogue we will get quotes to have considerably "plus" if we are very young (under 26 years for women and 30 years for men) or if we want to cover with no excess for drivers who have not yet turned 25.  Those who sign a new contract (maybe in 14 first class ...) or who resides in a "danger zone" (many areas of Southern or the big cities), or those who walk many miles each year, we all feel a significant difference in the offer.
They are secured with Dialogue from 2 years and I have chosen mainly because of performance / price ratio.


1) If you are not a risk profile is likely to get a very low cost of the policy, especially if the holder of the policy is a woman (as in the case of my wife).
2) The delivery of the Call Center is a TOLL FREE: it's free and very personal opionion, usually do not have to wait for minutes with palliative piece of music on hold for an operator to respond.
2) From the moment you faxed the documents required when you receive the policy for the past few days PRIORITY MAIL.
3) A month before the expiry of the policy will receive the proposed renewal and certificate of RISK.
 4) is not provided for automatic renewal: you are free to choose whether to renew or switch to another company without notice.
5) At the time of the renewal offer lower rates to existing customers
 6) A few days ago the site has undergone a dramatic facelift Dialogue positive.Finally he presents in a professional manner, even if it is not yet fully independent (see the estimates coming from the parent site of Fondiaria-SAI). At least one image change appreciably, the first time I saw the site of dialogue, two years ago, I immediately thought they were a "small company" because the site was very spartan and mediocre ...
 7) The company advertises the group membership Fondiaria-SAI to send the message: "We are well covered because we are part of the 3rd Italian group in the field of life insurance RCA.
8) If you are tired go to the agency do not worry: you do not need to move house. B Just call the free call center (by the way is the only channel of communication between you and Dialogue).


1) Sometimes the estimates obtained from the Internet are not fully aligned with those required in the Call Center.
2) Since August of this year have done a fare increase bleeding from RC-cars: I have experienced on average by 20% to 30% from last year!Of course, considering it had no down left and down a class Bonus Malus. I asked the rough to a Call Center: "E 'depended on the statistics of risk on my local area?" - "No, we simply increased the rates." A 'mere' 30% increase in inflation in the face of the beautiful country!
3) Beware of recourse to the clause: if all the uninsured are covered only if you have at least 25 years and the license for two years.  Otherwise, the exemption provides, in the event of a claim against, the payment of 100% of the damage up to € 516.46 or 50% up to € 2,582.28.
4) If you wish to purchase with credit card holder can only do so if the holder of the bill has a card in your name.
5) If you have the habit of checking the credentials of a company before relying on it surely will not escape these details: Dialogue is a very young company and its capital (just under € 9 million) will not help you sleep quiet ....
6) If you love the "human touch" to consider that physical MISSING THE AGENCIES.

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